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‘Celebrating Summer of Cycling’ exhibition | The Selebian
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‘Celebrating Summer of Cycling’ exhibition

A free-to-attend photography exhibition this week celebrates the Selby district’s special summer of cycling.

Courtesy Scott D Cowling

A free-to-attend photography exhibition this week celebrates the Selby district’s special summer of cycling, as part of Selby District Council’s work to build on the legacy of events such as this year’s Tour de Yorkshire.

The exhibition, open to the public on Friday 9 October from 10am to 4pm at the civic centre, Selby, brings together a range of images to highlight the success of three big cycling events over the summer months: the Tour de Yorkshire, the Great Selby Bike Ride and the Three Swans Sportive.

In early May, Selby hosted the start of stage two of the very first Tour de Yorkshire, bringing to the district high profile international cyclists.  Later that month a record number of people took part in the Great Selby Bike Ride, helping to raise significant funds for charity.  In September, the district hosted the Three Swans Sportive, with riders completing circuits of 30, 66 or 106 miles through the district’s countryside towns and villages.

The images in the exhibition are drawn from a number of sources, including submissions to the Council from residents.  But in particular, the event showcases the work of Selby College students who worked with the District Council to capture the Tour de Yorkshire.  The exhibition has been created by Paul Belshaw, the College’s Subject Area Manager for Art, Design and Media at Selby College.  He explained, “The Tour de Yorkshire was a unique opportunity for our students to go out and capture the essence of the event.  With this exhibition we’re bringing together the best images from a number of students to give a flavour of the excitement and the sense of occasion on that day.  It’s a great opportunity to showcase the great work and creativity of our students.”

The event also forms the backdrop to a special business event, to be held on the evening of Thursday 8 October, which aims to help local companies make the most of the new opportunities opening up as the profile of the district widens.  Welcome to Yorkshire Chief Executive, Sir Gary Verity, will be one of the keynote speakers at this free event.  More details, including how to register to attend the business event, are available here.


Celebrating Summer of Cycling exhibition
Friday 9 October ♦ 10am to 4pm ♦ Civic Centre, Doncaster Road, Selby

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