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Villagers campaign over plans to reopen abandoned quarry | The Selebian
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Villagers campaign over plans to reopen abandoned quarry

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Residents of a Selby area village have started are campaigning to prevent fresh works at an abandoned quarry site.

Villagers in Stutton have reacted with anger to a plan that would see 30,000 tonnes of limestone being extracted from Old London Road Quarry before being filled with upto 600,000 tonnes of construction waste.

The plan is being considered by North Yorkshire County Council after a planning application was submitted by Jakto Transport Ltd.

A supporting statement included with the application claims the proposed development would see the eventual restoration of the site and that the quarry's existing open faces present a risk to public safety.

Campaigners remain unimpressed, however, claiming more than 50 lorries could be heading through Stutton every day, should the plans be given the go-ahead.

The applicant's agent has been contacted for comment.

♦ A public meeting to discuss the plan is scheduled to take place in Stutton Village Hall, tonight from 7:30pm

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