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Whitley bus driver sentenced over sexual assault | The Selebian
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Whitley bus driver sentenced over sexual assault


A bus driver who sexually assaulted a vulnerable woman has been handed a suspended prison sentence.

Whitley man Chris Paul Clipsham, appeared before York Magistrates' Court on Thursday, 28 March 2024, after admitting to three charges of sexual assault at an earlier hearing.

The judge handed Clipsham a six-month prison sentence suspended for two years, ordered to pay costs of £85 and a surchage of £114. He was also ordered to carry out rehabilitiation activity and 150 hours of unpaid work.

Clipsham used a social media site to search for the victim’s name which he had noted from her bus pass.

He then began to befriend the victim via social media. On the night of the incident, he picked the victim up in his car and drove her to a quiet location where he sexually assaulted her.

PC Laura Wright from North Yorkshire Police who investigated the case, said:

“This is a case of opportunistic sexual assault of a vulnerable victim. The assault has left a significant and lasting impact on the victim who continues to have flashbacks and has been left feeling unsafe and fearful of men.

“The victim should be commended on the bravery she has shown throughout this process. She has shown immense courage and determination in order to get justice for what has happened to her.

“I would like to reassure anyone who has suffered any form of sexual abuse that you will always be listened to, and all allegations will be thoroughly investigated.”

If you are a victim of sexual assault or rape, please do not hesitate to contact the police.

Please contact North Yorkshire Policeon 101. If you are in immediate danger, always dial 999 for an emergency response.

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